
From Repair Wiki
Revision as of 07:11, 12 January 2024 by ASRepairs (talk | contribs)


Welcome to the Repair Wiki! This platform is designed to collect and organize information on repairing electronic devices in one place. Before contributing to the Wiki, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

Wiki Structure

Repair wiki structure

We have structured the Repair Wiki to make it easier to find specific information. There are four different types of pages:

  1. Manufacturer: stores links to every device made by that manufacturer and every repair guide published for those devices
  2. Device: stores reference information for the device such as pictures, voltage and resistance measurements etc. to act like a working device to compare the broken one to along with guides created for that specific device.
  3. Repair guide: documentation of single problem and its solution(s)
  4. Explanatory: can be used to document and explain how a device/circuit/part works or how to diagnose a problem

Each of those types are explained below.

Manufacturer pages

Manufacturer pages contain links to every device made by that manufacturer. This page is a category page with sub categories for each device type that the manufacturer has. This page is created and updated automatically.

Device pages

The goal of these pages is to help users compare a working device to a non-working one.

When creating a new device page, simply use the device's name as the title E.g., iPhone 12. After the page has been created, press Edit Semantics button at the top and enter the manufacturer, code name (example, specific model of a device), release date, and type of device in the appropriate fields. This step is CRUCIAL to ensure that the device gets categorized correctly. If you have reference pictures upload them in the appropriate galleries and remember to delete the example pictures. We recommend using [Special:batch upload